Studenten en jong professionals kunnen zich tot 15 mei als ‘early bird’ inschrijven voor deze speciale Wetskills in eigen land.

The Wetskills organization invites Bachelor, Master, PhD students and recent graduates to apply for the Wetskills Water Challenge program in The Netherlands. This fourth homecoming edition of Wetskills will take the participants all across the Dutch delta in two weeks, visiting interesting and relevant water-related locations in The Netherlands. Like in 2011, 2013 and 2015 Wetskills is part of the Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW), during which the final presentations and awarding will be organized: LINK.
Apply for this great opportunity to participate in one of the Wetskills Water Challenges!
We are looking for students and Young Professionals from universities and organisations from across the globe, passionate about water and excited to work in mixed teams for transdisciplinary water solutions. Apply for Wetskills The Netherlands 2017 (period: 19 October 19–2 November2017).
Application deadlines
First deadline for application and selection: 1 June 2017. Afterwards every two weeks a selection of the new applications till the programme is full. (First Come, First Served)
Meer informatie en bron:
Wetskills homecoming edition was originally published in Water, wereldwerk! on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.